Police Advise Essential Journeys Only

This in from the police. Ed

Warnings remain from police and partners ahead of a cold night in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight

The snowfall has become lighter but the warning not to take any journeys unless they are essential remains in place today.

Further snow overnight, but lighter
It has been predicted that there may be some further snow into this evening, but if this comes it will be light compared to that of the last 24 hours.

In addition, temperatures are set to drop below zero, which will cause icy roads and pavements, continuing the dangerous travelling conditions.

The Adverse Weather Office currently remains in place and will do so through the evening, providing multi agency updates and advice for residents.

Highways Agency and council gritting and ploughing vehicles are continuing to treat strategic and priority routes, and responding to specific problems as they occur.

All partners working together
Officers on patrol are continuing to work with colleagues from local authorities and the Highways Agency to keep roads clear and traffic free flowing as much as possible. Additional 4×4 capability has been provided by military and Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service vehicles on the roads.

Many roads are passable with care, but drivers are reminded to consider if their journey is absolutely essential, and if it is to ensure they adhere to the following advice:

1. Prepare yourself for your journey – first ask if your journey is really necessary. If it is, pack warm clothes, food, hot drinks, a fully charged mobile phone and a shovel. Tell someone where you are going and when you expect to arrive.

2. Prepare your vehicle for your journey – make sure your vehicle is well maintained, clear of snow and ice and that your tyres are at the correct pressure.

3. Drive safely – keep your distance, avoid hard braking or acceleration and steer gently. If you skid, ease off the accelerator, and try and avoid braking hard.

Check on elderly and vulnerable neighbours
Those who have stayed at home are also reminded to take a moment to check on elderly or vulnerable neighbours who may be in need of help, perhaps with clearing a safe pathway or keeping warm.

You can check which roads are on which priority salting routes using a map or postcode at: www.hants.gov.uk/roads/winter-maintenance

For up to date information on salting and school closures, see www.hants.gov.uk or follow @Hantsconnect on Twitter.

For more safe driving information and adverse weather updates, see www.hampshire.police.uk, follow @Hantspolice on Twitter or search Hampshire Constabulary on Facebook.

Image: © Used with the kind permission of Jon Young