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Primary school exits Special Measures (updated)

Congratulations to all at Newport Primary school who have worked so hard to exit Special Measures.

The school say they are delighted to be out of Special Measures category and that it’s “testament to the hard work of the whole school community”.

The latest Ofsted report, which is due to be published next week, highlights a lot of good practice at the school, particularly in the early years and is a useful document in helping the school to continue its journey to becoming a good school said Maxine Gray, Interim Headteacher.

The school was placed in Special Measures after an inspection in April 2013.

Simon Richards, Chair of Governors said

“Having special measures removed is a tremendous achievement for everyone at the school and we can all feel proud about the improvements that have been made.

“However, this is not the end of the journey and we are clear about the challenges we face to move the school to a good judgement and onwards to outstanding.

“We are continuing to work collaboratively with the local authority and other schools as part of the strategy to improve the standard of education across the Island”.

Full details can be found in the report below. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Article edits
Updated to include Ofsted report released Monday 18th May.

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