Priory School

Success for Priory School A Level ‘scholars’

Many thanks to Priory School Principal, Edmund Matyjaszek, for this update on A Level results for his pupils. Ed

2013 sees the second year of full A-level results in Priory School’s Sixth Form. Over the last two years Sixth Formers, or ‘Scholars’ as they are termed, have achieved full A Levels in the following subjects:

  • English
  • Maths
  • History
  • Business Studies
  • Biology
  • ICT
  • Art
  • Photography
  • Graphics

All were passed and scholar Felicity Bates excelled herself:

  • Biology A*
  • History A
  • English A*
  • Maths A

Felicity has now achieved a clean sweep of A*/A in all her A Level subjects and hopes to study at Warwick University, a member of the Russell Group of universities, generally regarded as the premier Universities in the UK.

Congratulations to all scholars
Congratulations are due to her and to other Scholars and to the tutors who now are now establishing an enviable track record of academic success at A Level.

In 2013-14 Priory School adds Religious Studies (RS) to its list of offered subjects at A Level.