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Image: Jon Tyson under CC BY 2.0

Prospective MPs to discuss Newport’s growth and sustainability at General Election Hustings

News shared by Julie on behalf Newport Business Association. Ed

The Newport Business Association (NBA) is pleased to confirm the organisation of a Hustings event for the forthcoming General Election.

This important gathering will be held at the Apollo Theatre, Pyle Street, Newport, on Thursday, 27th June, with doors opening at 6pm for a prompt 6.30pm start.

Enhancing the town
Since 2012, members of the NBA have worked collaboratively to support one another and enhance our town, the commitment is unwavering in elevating the status of the Island’s County Town.

The Association maintains close partnerships with various organisations, collaborating on projects aimed at enhancing the town’s appeal for businesses, residents, and visitors alike.

Four out of five confirmed
As the electoral season gains momentum, NBA recognises the importance of direct dialogue between the candidates and the community. To date, four of the five prospective parliamentary representatives have confirmed their participation.

They will address a range of pressing local issues such as business development, education, youth engagement, and investment strategies specific to the Isle of Wight.

Delving into sustainability
This Hustings will also give an opportunity to delve into sustainability, focusing on how Newport can evolve into a resilient community that embraces economic, environmental, and social sustainability.

Additional discussion points will include enhancing transportation and infrastructure, improving healthcare services, increasing affordable housing, and boosting digital connectivity to ensure Newport remains a vibrant hub for commerce and community life.

“When the County Town thrives, the whole Island thrives”
A spokesperson from NBA said,

“When the County Town thrives, the whole Island thrives, and our new MP will have Newport as a vital component of their plans for improving our lives in the West Wight constituency.”

Register to attend
The Hustings event is free to the public, although advance booking is essential to secure attendance.

Tickets will be available in the next couple of weeks, but meanwhile please register your interest by emailing [email protected]

Engage directly with the candidates
Interested West Wight constituents will have an opportunity to engage directly with the candidates and hear their visions for the future of Newport.

Thus giving residents and candidates the chance to help shape the future of our county town through informed, respectful debate and community interaction.