Reaching High For Autism: Building A 50ft Lego Tower

Thanks to Louise for sharing news with VB readers of this great event taking place on 2nd April, should be great to see. In her own words. Ed

Lego TowerCelebrating 50 years of the NAS and to mark World Autism Awareness Day (2nd April), we have organised a very special fundraising event where you can be involved in the build of a 50ft (15 metres) Lego ladder!

40,000 Lego bricks are going to be used to build a 75 step ladder to climb up the 50ft Drill Tower at Newport Fire Station.

After this event we will be happy to donate a box of Lego to any school on the Isle of Wight who would like to start up a Lego club.

Check out the dedicated Facebook Group (Reaching High For Autism on The Isle of Wight) to stay kept up to date with all progress being made regarding this most exciting and biggest fundraising event we’ve ever organised on the Isle of Wight and we would love you to be a part of it too.

Image: Paul Albertella under CC BY 2.0