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‘Reasonable progress’ continues at primary school says Ofsted

This in from Newport Primary, in their own words, Ed

Newport Primary School has now received its fourth monitoring visit by one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors and has been judged as making reasonable progress in its journey to the removal of special measures, this being the highest judgement available.

Expectations raised considerably
Her Majesty’s Inspector noted teachers have raised their expectations considerably, both for pupils’ progress and for the quality of their work. Pupils throughout the school are making better progress, with increasing proportions attaining at least the levels expected for their age.

This improvement extends to all groups of pupils, including those with special educational needs and those supported by the pupil premium.

Increased achievements in Early Years
The Inspector has reported that in Early Years, the proportion of children who achieved a good level of development has increased significantly, rising to above the national proportion.

In Year 1 and Year 2, the proportion of pupils at the school who were successful in the national phonics screening check also rose to above the national figure. In all these assessments, the improvement at the school was greater than the national improvement.

Year 2 assessments in the Summer Term showed an increase in the proportions of pupils who achieved the expected levels in Reading, in Writing and in Mathematics. Pupils with special educational needs are making increasingly good progress. In Year 6 in 2014, many made at least as much progress as their peers, and this trend is emerging across the school.

Pupils enjoy the school
Pupils told inspectors that they enjoy coming to school and appreciate the way all adults help them in the classroom and at social times.

The atmosphere inside the school is calm and purposeful, supported by consistently high expectations for behaviour, courtesy and hard work. During lessons, inspectors observed pupils working hard and persisting with challenging tasks.

Hardworking team
The report stated that the professionalism of all the staff shows in their hard work, team spirit and eagerness to develop. The Inspector also commented that the governing body is ably led and governors are committed fully to securing continuing rapid improvement.

Speaking about the visit, Jerry Seaward, Headteacher, stated:

“We are pleased that the hard work of the children, staff and governors has been noted and that we are achieving above national figures in many areas.

“However, we recognise there is still more to do as we continue our drive for the sustained improvements in Teaching and Learning which will bring the school out of special measures in the near future and ensure the best possible outcomes for our children.”

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