Red Funnel Launch Photo and Video Comp

If you’re a budding photographer or film-maker then this new competition should be of interest.

Red Funnel Launch Photo and Video CompFerry company Red Funnel, have just launched the ‘your Isle of Wight’ video and photography competition.

It runs between now and December and invites you to enter your photographs or short videos that capture what it is the Island means to you.

Photo competition
There are four categories; lifestyle, nature, constructed and junior*, and organisers are looking for anything from a brilliant holiday snap to a stunning shot of a resident red squirrel.

Each month, winners in the four categories will be announced and walk off (or sail off) with free return travel to the Isle of Wight for a car and four passengers**.

Come December, the overall winners will be announced in the final prize draw.

Prizes include London Camera Exchange vouchers to the value of £700, £200 and £100 respectively for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.

Video competition
Under two categories, adult and junior, entrants should compose a two to five minute video about anything on the Island, whether it is a favourite cycle path, places to hit the waves or simply a fantastic place for some local food.

Winners of each category will receive a £250 Red Funnel Travel Card and an overall winner will receive a £1,000 London Camera Exchange voucher.

Check out the Red Funnel Website for full details or how to enter.

* For under 16s

**or four return Red Jet Hi-Speed passenger ferry tickets

Image: eugenijusr under CC BY 2.0

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