microphone with blurry background of meeting hall

Residents’ input sought for Yarmouth and Thorley 15-year Neighbourhood Plan

Yarmouth Town Council invite residents to join them at the community hall (CHOYD) to have your say on the Neighbourhood Plan on Tuesday 28th May from 7pm.

The Yarmouth Town Council Working Group are putting in significant work to develop a new Neighbourhood Plan. This will outline how the town of Yarmouth and parish of Thorley will develop over the next 15 years.

Subjects include:

  • Housing
  • Transport
  • Business and Tourism
  • Biodiversity and Nature Recovery
  • Sports and Play Areas
  • Preservation of Natural Beauty

At the forum they will introduce these subjects and then ask everyone to join in the discussion, so they can add your thoughts and comments into the Neighbourhood Plan.

Be there. Be heard. Be part of the future of Yarmouth and Thorley.