Reverse Your Fuel Bills

Reverse Your Fuel BillsHere’s a great tip for drivers that Simon spotted from the Institute for Advanced Motorists Magazine recently.

Apparently, if you reverse into a parking space, you could save yourself possibly up to £2 per week on fuel, as well as practising safe driving procedures.

We read that if you reverse your car out of a space when the engine is cold, it uses around 20 to 25 times more petrol in the first few seconds than it does when warm and they tell us that average five year old car takes a minute and a half to warm up.

If you do this 10 to 12 times a week that adds up to a cost of about £100 a year, not to mention the increased wear on the car’s engine.

From what we’ve seen over the years, particularly in our road, there are some who might need a bit of help in learning how to parallel park. They’d better not take any tips from the car driver pictured though.

Image: Rynosoft