If you're into the alternative live rock and metal scene you don't need to travel to the mainland to get your regular dose. You can check it out right here on the Isle of Wight.
Last week's audience for the Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra concert were treated to two guest conductors and a guest cellist. Make sure you book now for the March concert which is sure to be another sell-out.
The Learn - Jam - Perform night provided a great opportunity for aspiring musicians to perform live in a friendly and nurturing environment with the support of more recognised and accomplished artists.
"The Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra’s new season burst upon us with a concert of bravado and energy and sublime playing," so says Jonathan Dodd in his latest review.
Looking through the dozens of photos and watching the Channel 4 footage clearly illustrates that Bestival has still got it! Over four days, they manage to transform a small part of the Isle of Wight into an artistically creative, hedonistic paradise.
There are several chances to see Scena Mundi's adaptation of Marlowe's Edward II at Holy Trinity Church as part of the Ventnor Fringe. Check the Box Office for tickets.
There are several chances to see Scena Mundi's adaptation of William Shakespeare's Richard II at Holy Trinity Church as part of the Ventnor Fringe. Check the Box Office for tickets.
Having experienced it ourselves, we can agree with everything Jonathan says in his review of the Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra's last concert of the season. It was sensational!