Richard Perry: Fundraising in Memory Goes to RNLI

Richard Perry: Fundraising in Memory Goes to RNLIWith news this morning on IW Radio News that Cowes Inshore Lifeboat will be taken over by the RNLI within the next couple of months, this fundraising story may be of interest.

We all remember the tragic events of last July when holiday-makers, Richard Perry and Heather Jayne Harris died during a tragic accident just off the Bembridge ledge.

The Stourbridge News, reported yesterday that Richard’s uncle has been raising money for the RNLI by last weekend running in the London marathon. He managed to raising an amazing £2000.

He’s set himself a target of £5K and aims to reach this with the help of more fundraising events, such as a raffle being held this coming weekend (up in the Blackcountry) and we hear that prizes have been donated by the RNLI gift shop on the Isle of Wight and the Original canvas company of the Isle of Wight amongst others.

David’s fundraising is a very fitting tribute to his nephew and we wish him the best of luck in reaching his target of £5,000.

Read the article in full in the Stourbridge News

Image courtesy of RNLI