White Hot Chilli Peppers

Rock United For Ukraine: A night of live music with everyone giving up their time for free

This Friday night sees Islanders come together to help raise money for the humanitarian efforts in Ukraine at the Rock United For Ukraine event.

Taking place at Strings Bar and Venue in Newport, the evening feature live music from White Hot Chilli Peppers, Bowies Heroes and Meg Rasmussen.

Everyone’s giving their time for free
All the bands are giving their time for free, and Claydon and Ian (Strings) have given the venue over for the evening free of charge.

Security guards Caroline and Asa from PC Security are giving their time for free. Whilst their boss, Pete Cambray, has said he’ll donate their wages to the fund.

Raising money for MAD-Aid
The evening is raising money for MAD-Aid, the Isle of Wight-based charity that sends medical aid to Moldova.

As News OnTheWight has covered over the past few weeks, MAD-Aid have been responsible for gathering and sending aid to those displaced from Ukraine.

Book now
Rock United For Ukraine takes place at Strings Bar and Venue in Newport on Friday 15th April from 7.30pm.

You can book your tickets in advance via the Strings Bar and Venue Website.

100 per cent of all money raised on the night will be going to the charity.

Image: White Hot Chilli Peppers

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