Men Only group outside Rodger and Steve's Place

Rodger and Steve’s Place: Men Only’s latest step in supporting men’s mental health

Local Men’s mental health group have opened a new Warm Space and Safe Place in Ryde.

Men Only is a peer-led initiative to support men and raise awareness of men’s mental health issues. The organisation is based in Ryde on the Isle of Wight and has a mission to support men, whether they need advice or just the space to talk. They have created a peer group to help men tackle their mental health problems proactively, rather than reactively.

Rodger and Steve’s Place
On Friday 5th May, Karl and Liz collected the keys for 134 High Street, Ryde. It’s now Rodger and Steve’s Place, Men Only’s Warm Space and Safe Place for men to visit to drink tea and eat biscuits.

Liz and Karl
Liz and Karl

Men Only’s Grand Launch party for Rodger and Steve’s Place took place last Thursday (22nd June) catering for around 60 guests, including Councillor Michael Lilley, Mental Health Champion for the Isle of Wight, representatives from Job Centre Plus, local businesses, family and friends.

There were also eight of Men Only gentlemen on hand to talk about their journeys with the group.

Support from Vectensian Masonic Lodge
Also in attendance was a team from the Vectensian Masonic Lodge in Ryde, who have raised significant money over the last year and the Co-Op, who have taken Men Only IW as one of their Local Community Fund recipients this year.

Opening of Rodger and Steve's Place

Why Rodger and Steve’s place?
The evening was hosted by Liz Farrant and Karl Hart, the directors of Men Only IW, in addition to thanking all those who came along and the Men Only Team, Karl talked about the reason behind the name of the property, Rodger and Steve’s place.

Both men had been residents of Ryde and close friends and are now, sadly, no longer with us.

A fitting tribute
The Men Only IW team felt that creating a safe place for men to come and talk is a fitting tribute to the two men it’s named after as they didn’t have access to an initiative such as this.

Karl also spoke about men’s mental health issues, that are a growing concern in the UK, with a significant proportion of the male population experiencing mental health problems at some point, and the shocking number of male suicides, 11 a day in the UK.

Men Only’s mascot: Monty Floodle
Other notable guests were Monty Floodle, Men Only’s mascot and therapy dog!


Monty is their most special volunteer and is with them nearly every week for “Floodle Fridays’: eating biscuits, listening and getting ear rubs are his skill sets.

Third-sector organisations bridging the gap
The evening was a huge success and highlighted not just the challenges men have in talking about how they feel and the impact that has on men and their families both here on the Island and across the country, but also emphasised the need for a third-sector organisation to bridge the gap between the community and the NHS mental health services.

The inspiring stories show that a public and voluntary sector approach through listening to lived experience works and can change lives positively.

Pop in
Liz and Karl are excitedly looking forward to the next fifteen years at Rodger and Steve’s Place, and we’d love you to come along and join us for tea, and of course biscuits!

Rodger and Steve's Place

Find out more
If you would like more information about us and what we do, please head over to the Website or see their Facebook Page.

You can find Rodger and Steve’s Place at134 High Street, Ryde PO33 2RJ

News shared by Karl on behalf of Men Only. Ed