Walking Boots

Round the Island trek for Kenny and friends in aid of Multiple Sclerosis Trust

Well done to Kenny and friends for taking on this challenge. This in his own words. Ed

On the weekend of 4th and 5th July, I’ll be trekking with 20 friends non-stop around the coastal path of the Isle of Wight.

We’ll be starting at the King Lud pub in Ryde on the Saturday at 9am and plan to finish some 33 hours later back in Ryde for a well earned beer!

Collecting for Multiple Sclerosis Trust
While doing so, we are all raising much needed funds for the Multiple Sclerosis Trust. We plan to walk the entire 68 mile coastal path only stopping for meals, water stops and when nature calls!

We’ll be collecting money on route, as well as raising awareness of Multiple Sclerosis. Carrying all the gear we need on our backs, we will have a back up vehicle with us most of the time.

Night walk
The hardest part I feel will be walking through the night and the dark, but the whole team is made up of some fantastic people with great senses of humour, so that will keep us all going!

None of us have done anything on this scale before, but we are all doing it in memory of my sister Kathleen who sadly lost her battle with Multiple Sclerosis in the autumn.

We have been granted both street and house to house collectors permits and hope to raise over £2,000 for the MS Trust.

If you’d like to support us and donate to the Multiple Sclerosis Trust, head over to my donation page.

Image: ramsd under CC BY 2.0