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Image: adi goldstein under CC BY 2.0

Rouse Limited announces Isle of Wight MND Association as their headline charity for next three years

Isle of Wight Independent Financial Planners, Rouse Limited, is delighted to announce that their headline charity 2024-2026 is the Isle of Wight Branch of the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association.

Donating £10k pa for three years
As well as fundraising for the charity, the community-spirited financial planning firm is committing to donating £10,000 each year for the next three years to ensure their efforts raise a significant amount of money that will benefit local people diagnosed with MND.

Butler: Want to help make a material difference to people in our local community
Lisa Butler of Rouse Limited said,

“We have chosen the Isle of Wight Branch, rather than the national charity itself because, as well as being a charity that’s close to our hearts, we want to help make a material difference to people in our local community.

“The charity is run entirely by volunteers and relies on donations, so fundraising and raising awareness are paramount. It exists with the sole aim of supporting all those on the Isle of Wight who are affected by MND, including their carers and families.

“It’s our intention that our donation, along with whatever we raise, will mainly go towards running a newly launched, fully funded transport scheme called: FreedomTravel – Getting you there with care.

“FreedomTravel is for the exclusive use of those on the Island living with MND, and their carers, and aims to increase independence and help make life a little easier. It will allow greater opportunity to enjoy days out, go shopping, or even just have a worry-free journey to medical appointments.

“Please help us raise as much money as possible, on top of the £10,000 each year, for this worthy and necessary charity that desperately needs support. Visit the Rouse Limited JustGiving page to donate.”

Local support
Rouse Limited is no stranger to community support having successfully raised significant funds last year for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance, as well as regularly supporting smaller charities and community groups on the Island.