RSPCA Provide Help After Redundancy

It’s great to hear positive stories of events happening around the Island. VB reader Gemma Read got in touch to share hers. Ed

BigglesBiggles is my very loving dog. I’ve had him in my life now for six years, he is a happy, loveable, active and very chilled hound to own, I feel very lucky to have him in my life.

Diagnosed with Addisons
18 months ago he was diagnosed with Addisons disease. It’s a condition in which a dog’s adrenal gland does not produce a sufficient amount of either Cortisol or Aldosterone.

Cortisol, which is part of the Glucocorticoid group of hormones, helps the dog’s body deal with stress, aids in proper conversion of food into energy and manages the immune system’s inflammatory response.

Aldosterone, which is part of the mineralocorticoid group of hormones, helps maintain proper blood pressure, as well as allowing the kidneys to keep a proper balance of sodium and potassium in your dog’s body.

Great care from Green and Forster Vets
With lots of care and the help of Green and Forster Vets for the last 18 months, I’ve managed to keep on top of my vets bills until my recent redundancy.

Having discussed the situation with fellow dog owners, they advised me to contact RSPCA, who they said would perhaps be able to advise me whether there was any funding or complimentary treatments available.

Got in touch with RSPCA
I swallowed my pride and contacted the RSPCA.

I spoke to Jenny and she was ever so understanding, advising me that she could help with an amount of money towards my vet bill in order to help Biggles with his medication.

With empathy and ease this charitable trust of Animal lovers helped me in my quest.

Local charity needs our support
RSPCA may be a national company, however they are local on the Isle of Wight and for all animal lovers they are still a charity and a locally funded one.

Everyone is feeling the pull of the economy, my recent redundancy due to the economy has left me having to contact a charity for help and I wanted to give something back!

Support fundraising event
We rarely hear of GOOD News. A BIG thank you to them I would like to take this moment to help advertise a fundraising event.

Do go along and support the IW RSPCA Fundraising Event on the 10th of December in Hollyrood Hall in Newport at 11.00am.