Variety of batteries photographed on a black background

Scheme to recycle household batteries won’t be starting just yet, say Isle of Wight council

Some confusion has arisen for residents wanting to get rid of household batteries following the Isle of Wight council’s announcement last week.

On 11th April, the council had announced that they would, “now collect household batteries separately from your waste on your refuse week and take them for sorting and recycling”.

Batteries left behind
One News OnTheWight reader got in touch this morning (Tuesday) to explain that she’d followed the instructions in the release and placed some household batteries in a clear sandwich bag on top of her landfill bin, only to find the batteries left on the ground after the bins were collected.

Doesn’t start until 2nd May
News OnTheWight got in touch with the council to find out what had gone wrong.

In response to our questions, a spokesperson for Isle of Wight council said,

“I can confirm that the collection of household batteries separately from your waste, on your refuse week, will commence on 2nd May 2022.

“This is to coincide with the delivery of the new annual waste and recycling booklet and collections calendar.”

The council have since arranged for the batteries to be collected from the reader’s address.

Image: Iyan Adeendren Ayyan under CC BY 2.0