Schools Reforms: Latest News

Education Reforms: Next StagesLatest proposals for the schools reorganisation will be made available to the general public this afternoon via the Council website.

After 3.30pm today details of those schools recommended to stay open and those earmarked with closure will be announced. A decision will be made to consult on the proposals at the council’s Cabinet meeting on 3 June.

The timing on this release seems extraordinary, have the council not learnt any lessons from the way that the public consultation was run? Those without children in education might not realise that today is the last day of term, before schools close for a week. Leaving some parents and teachers in a state of shock as school closures are announced.

What we have been told today by the council, is that there will be 37 primary schools remaining on the Wight and six secondary schools.

Under the two tier system, all middle schools will close, but we’re shocked to hear that despite most of the middle school sites continuing to be used in one way or another, Nodehill in Newport is not included in that list.

We have an interview with Nodehill Middle headteacher David Morris going out on VB later today.

The council tells us that formal consultation on the proposals will kick off in the next few weeks and expect to last four months. The public will be given a chance to make their views known to the council during this period.

Check back on VentnorBlog later today to get the full results.