Shed of the Year 2011: Have You Voted?

Cuprinol, the Garden Woodcare company, currently have a competition for Shed Of The Year running.

Isle of Wighter, Elizabeth Campbell, has been in touch to ask if VB readers would like to vote for her entry, this rather delightful little 1930s number which was previously a beach hut.

Elizabeth says, “My shed was my beach-hut by the Solent at Gurnard, until the land was bought by Southern Water and my hut was dismantled and dumped on my drive in bits. I had the shell re-erected and spent the summer fitting all the bits together and treating rot and woodworm.

“My beach-hut is now my pride and joy, renamed The Bothy. With electric fitted it gives hours of pleasure, watching Wimbledon, evening drinks, mulling over seed catalogues or just watching the wild birds and my bantams.

“At night the interior is cosy like the cabin of an old boat. I love it. In the winter it makes a perfect apple store, this year we have just eaten the last[mid April].”

You can vote for Elizabeth’s shed on the Cuprinol Website and uou have until Noon on Sunday 5th June to cast your vote.

Best of luck Elizabeth. Your shed looks like a delightful place to while away the hours.

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