Short on Petrol: Which Station is Closer?

Short on Petrol: Which Station is Closer?We get requests for the strangest of things sometimes, but every so often we’ll be asked for our opinion or advice on something that turns out to be very useful.

Such a request arrived in our inbox this morning, when we received an email from a fellow Ventnorian stuck with little petrol in her car and wondering which filling station was closer. With Leslie’s in Ventnor no more, would it be Sandford or Whitwell?

Step forward Google Maps. A great service that will show you maps, satellite views and route finders all through a quick and speedy service.

Simply put your start point and destination and Google Maps will work out the best route and give distance and estimated times.

So who won the petrol race? It was of course, Whitwell by .7 of a mile.

Pier Street to Whitwell: 3.6 miles

Pier Street to Sandford: 4.3 miles
