Simon Hayes begins search for a new chief constable

This in from the police, in their own words. Ed

The search for a new Chief Constable for Hampshire Constabulary has been started by Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Hayes.

The current Chief Constable Alex Marshall is leaving the force in February to become the first Chief Executive of the new College of Policing.

“Looking for a strong and charismatic leader”
The Commissioner has moved swiftly to begin the process of finding a replacement, starting his search less than three weeks after being elected to the post and with the ambition of naming his preferred candidate by the end of January.

Mr Hayes said: “I am looking for a strong and charismatic leader, someone who can continually push to reduce crime, prevent reoffending, and have the ability to encourage the force and organisations in the community to do so in partnership. Making our communities safer is not a job solely for the police, and the new Chief Constable needs to build those relationships to find the right solutions for issues where we live and work.”

Preferred candidate named in January
Hampshire will be one of the first police force areas in the country to appoint a Chief Constable under the new system. After two days of interviews in January with a panel of advisors selected by the Commissioner to assist him, Mr Hayes will put forward his preferred candidate to the Police and Crime Panel for a Confirmation Hearing, held in public.

The Panel will be able to quiz the Commissioner and the preferred candidate to ensure the appointment has been conducted fairly and the chosen candidate is the best choice for the people of Hampshire and Isle of Wight.

A degree of interest in the role
Mr Hayes said: “The Hampshire force area is one of the largest non-metropolitan regions in the country, and it is no surprise that there has already been a degree of interest in the role. Leading one of the top performing police forces in the country is a prestigious role, and I need to make sure I find the best person for the job who can help me deliver the pledges I made when I was elected, and keep our two counties safe.

“I have drawn together a panel of advisors from across the two counties, and from a range of sectors. My policing advisor on the panel is Sir Hugh Orde, the current President of the Association of Chief Police Officers.”

The Commissioner is conscious of the current financial climate that the police and other public services are operating under, and the minimum salary of £146,521 is at the lower end of the range that can be offered.

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