Six Cases Of Swine Flu At St Mary’s Hospital

News reaches us from the IW PCT that St Mary’s Hospital has six confirmed cases of patients suffering with the H1N1 virus (Swine Flu).

Tissues by |Chris|They report three confirmed H1N1 cases on wards and three confirmed H1N1 cases in the seven bed intensive care unit.

Karen Baker, NHS Isle of Wight Chief Operating Officer, comments:

“We are responding to the increased demand on our services but it is important that we don’t get this out of proportion. There is an increase in illness during the winter months. The emergence of H1N1 as a factor in the rise in flu cases is a complication but we are used to managing the fluctuating demands on our services.”

Fortunately, the majority of patients recover from flu and those patients, including children, who are well enough to be discharged, have been sent home as their condition improved over the New Year holiday period.

Our thoughts go out to the friends and family of those affected.

Image: |Chris| under CC BY 2.0

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