Smallbrook junction

Smallbrook Junction: Latest road closures and diversions as BT start work again

As you will remember, BT work to construct new infrastructure as part of their required diversion and which requires the temporary closure of Ashey Road north of Smallbrook Lane was delayed at the end of last year because of Covid issues.

BT have advised us they will now be undertaking this work between Monday 24th January and Sunday 6th February.

Therefore, Ashey Road will be closed between these dates.

Two-way traffic
Whilst the closure is in operation, Ashey Road south of the junction and Carters Road will be two-way, with Smallbrook Lane remaining one-way in an eastbound direction.

It is hoped that the temporary three way lights will be removed during this two week period.

Smallbrook Junction map

During this closure, northbound traffic will be diverted via Carters Road, Upton Road, Ashey Road, and southbound traffic via Ashey Road, Upton Road and Carters Road (please see traffic management map below).

On completion of this closure and the reopening of Ashey Road, both Smallbrook Lane and Carters Road will revert back to one-way eastbound, and the temporary three way traffic lights will be reinstated.

Bringing work forward
As well as constructing a new chamber in the highway (hence the need for the full road closure) BT will also be undertaking other work to divert cables during this period. By bringing this work forward, we will be able to avoid a further closure later in the project.

As the utility diversion phase draws to a close, we will be ramping up the actual highway improvement work in the coming weeks.

While issues such as the above have required us to tweak the schedule, we remain on track to finish the project as programmed at the start of April.

We’d like, once again, to thank residents and businesses for their ongoing understanding and co-operation.

News shared by Gavin behalf of Island Roads. Ed