Snow Alert: Council/Health/Public Services:Thursday 7th (Update 7)

Last update: 15:02pm Thursday

More details about other public services to follow as we receive them. As with yesterday, keep reloading the page to find out the latest.

Jump to Rubbish Collection; Dental appointments; Libraries; Leisure Centres; Other council services; Health services

Dental appointments
The Island NHS Team inform us that all dental appointments for Thursday 7th January have been cancelled at the following clinics:
· Cowes Health Centre
· East Cowes Health Centre
· Carisbrooke Health Centre
· Tower House GP Surgery, Ryde
· Brookside Health Centre, Freshwater
· Arthur Webster Clinic, Shanklin

If you need to see a dentist urgently, please contact the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Dental Helpline on 0845 050 8345.

Rubbish collection
Home refuse collection has been cancelled until Monday, when (weather permitting) normal services will resume
It’s hoped that Lynbottom may be opened later – we’ll update you when we know more.

All libraries are closed. Fines suspended until service re-opens

Leisure Centres
08:45 – * The details on these have now changed from closed to partially open *

The Heights Leisure Centre *Now open until 1pm *
Fairway Sports Complex – undecided as yet
Medina Leisure Centre/Theatre
– Pool open from 9am – 11.30am from 50+ swim
– Gym open from 8.30am – 1pm
Waterside Pool *Open until 1pm*
Westridge Leisure Centre – Closed

Other council services
Job Centres in Ryde and Newport
Ventnor Botanic Garden
Dinosaur Isle Museum
Museum of Island History (Newport Guildhall)
Ryde Theatre *09:30 – now changed * box office open between 1030 – 1230 only
Shanklin Theatre

Seaclose Offices – Services include Planning, Building Control, Tree Team

Isle of Wight Crematorium – Open
Very limited access. Customers are advised to contact their funeral director before any service. Crematorium can be called on 883010

Social Services Centres are open with limited staff on duty – delays expected

Newport Help Centre – Will close at 5pm
Sandown Help Centre – Will close at 5pm
Wootton Help Centre – closed

Isle of Wight Courts
Magistrates court sat this morning.
Nothing planned for County or Crown Court this afternoon.

The Isle of Wight Council has opened up Newport Youth Centre to People Off The Streets, a local homelessness charity, to provide a shelter for those who may be sleeping rough during this period of extreme weather.

Full update from Island NHS @14.55

Switchboard at St. Mary’s Hospital
Our switchboard is receiving a high level of calls at present. Please use the numbers listed below for advice. Please see below for information about hospital appointments.

Emergency Department and Beacon Health Centre at St. Mary’s
Both the Emergency Department and Beacon Health Centre at St. Mary’s continue to cope well and are dealing with emergencies and urgent medical enquires as they come in. For health advice please telephone NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 or visit or out of hours ring the Island Health Line on 0845 6031 007.

Outpatient Appointments / Community Clinic Appointments/Smoking Cessation Clinics
The vast majority of outpatients appointments at St. Mary’s have now been cancelled through until Monday evening. A decision about outpatients appointments for Tuesday onwards will be taken over the weekend. Where doctors and nurses consider it important that a patient attends an outpatient appointment then the patient will receive a telephone call. If you are called in it is important that you attend. However, some patients may feel it is unsafe to do so and we understand this. If you are unable to attend your appointment will be rebooked.

The same applies to other clinic appointments in the Community.

Due to the adverse weather conditions some smoking cessation clinics have had to be cancelled. Please listen to Isle of Wight Radio for details of the cancellations. Community pharmacies have supplies for those who are on Smoking Cessation Courses. Please don’t use the snow as a reason to give up giving up!

NHS Isle of Wight is advising Islanders to only venture out in snow and icy conditions if it is safe for them to do so.

Sheila Paul, Chief Operating Officer, says: “With the icy conditions the risk of falls and broken limbs is increased. We don’t want Islanders trying to attend hospital or other health appointments and becoming casualties of the cold weather. For those patients who have appointments at St. Mary’s Hospital or in community health clinics then please do not worry – your appointment will be rebooked. If you were being collected by the Patient Transport Service then we will telephone you to discuss the position with you.”

Non-Urgent / Scehduled Operations
Non-urgent / Scheduled Operations for yesterday (Wednesday 6th January), today (Thursday 7th January) and tomorrow (Friday 8th January) have been cancelled. Patients are being contacted direct by St. Mary’s Hospital.

GP Practices and Medical Centre
All GP practices are currently open but many are operating on skeleton staffing. If you don’t need to visit your GP then stay warm and safe indoors. If it’s easier to get to your local pharmacy then they may be able to provide you with advice.

District Nursing Visits
District Nurses will be making essential visits only. These include essential injections, syringe drivers, catheters. Patients requiring an essential visit will be seen at some point today – District Nurses are travelling on foot. District Nursing arrangements will be reviewed daily. Anyone concerned can contact the District Nursing Team on 552456.

NHS Staff
With essential services to run, all NHS staff regardless of where they work and whether or not their usual clinics have been cancelled should try to get in providing it is possible and safe to do so. Staff who are unable to get to work must phone their manager to discuss arrangements. A page is being established on the NHS Isle of Wight website for staff who want to find out the latest information from home. Look for the ‘Staff’ link at the bottom of the home page.

Staff are being redeployed as necessary to assist with essential services. The nursery on the St. Mary’s site is open. Sheila Paul, Chief Operating Officer says: “The response of our staff and volunteers has been magnificent. They have worked tirelessly throughout the night to ensure that essential services are maintained.”

Ambulance Crews Remain at Full Stretch
Chris Smith, Head of the Isle of Wight Ambulance Service comments: “All our emergency ambulances and crews remain fully committed and will be as long as the snow is with us. It is vitally important that the 999 ambulance service is only called in the event of life threatening injury. The snow on the Island’s roads and the difficulties caused by the conditions for other motorists means that it is taking much longer than usual for us to respond to calls. Please think twice before calling 999 and where possible use NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 for telephone advice or log on to the NHS Choices website”