Snow Alert : School (and Exams) Info For Monday 11th (Update 12)

Last updated 2.02pm Monday

Here’s the current state of play for the schools.

Schools due to be closed
Schools due to open
Children’s centres & Youth clubs

If a school is not named on the open or closed list then the decision is still pending

Important information for those taking exams
The examinations board for England on Friday 8 January confirmed that A-Level and GCSE re-sit exams scheduled for Monday 11 January are due to go ahead.

Each high school has declared the school will be open for pupils sitting exams on the day.

It is the responsibility of the pupil to attend school in time for the start of any exams. Parents and carers should check the website of their child/children’s school or contact the school for further information.

Carisbrooke High
Medina High
Ryde High
Sandown High

School closures for Monday 11th January
Primary Schools closing
Arreton St Georges
Dover Park
Holy Cross

Love Lane – Hazardous conditions on site and malfunctioning boiler. Language unit is also closed

Nine Acres – Open to staff only on Monday. Please can staff attend to assist in clearing the site in readiness for opening on Tuesday 12 January at the usual time.

Niton – The school is due to open on Tuesday 12 January

St John’s Sandown – Please can staff attend the site at 10am to assist in clearing the site in readiness to open on Tuesday

St Mary’s Catholic (was due to open) (updated 10.22am)

Whippingham – Hazardous site conditions. If anyone is available to help on the school site tomorrow (Mon 11 Jan) please could they assemble at the school at 9.30am.

Wootton – Any staff or volunteers able to attend the site at 10am tomorrow to assist with site clearing works would be most welcome

Middle Schools closing
Bishop Lovett

Downside (inc Kitbridge Campus) – Open to staff only in order to clear site

Mayfield CE – Open to staff only in order to clear the site

Nodehill – School will re-open fully on Tuesday 12 Jan at 8.30am

Osborne – Hazardous site conditions. If anyone is available to help on the school site tomorrow (Mon 11 Jan) please could they assemble at the school at 9.30am.

Sandham – Open to staff only in order to clear the site ready for Tuesday

Solent – Staff are required to attend from 10am – please take care on site.


High Schools closing
Carisbrooke – closed for year 9 and 10 students (other see below) Updated

Sandown closed to year 9 students.

Cowes – Open for exam candidates only. Open to all students on Tuesday.

Medina – Open for students taking exams only and for staff. Closed for the remainder of students. Staff are to note that there is severely restricted parking on site and are asked to consider car sharing and to wear appropriate clothing. A staff briefing is due to be held at 08.20 in the Theatre. Tues 12 Jan the school is currently intending to open fully for all students but please continue to watch this site for up to date details.

Ryde – Open for students taking exams only and for staff. Closed for the remainder of students. (Thanks Tyler – source: their Web site)

Special Schools
Medina House – Open for staff only to help make the site safe for a proposed opening on Tuesday. Please note the approach roads are inaccessible and access is best on foot. Staff are asked to come in if they are able to and to bring a spade if they have one!

St George’s

Schools Due to Open Monday 11th
Primary Schools
All Saints

Barton – Please note car park only to be used for staff car parking

Bembridge CE – Parents are asked to arrive no earlier than 8.40am and to send/take their children straight to their classrooms. Reception children to enter via Key Stage 1 cloakrooms. Please use the main school entrance – Forelands access is closed.

Binstead – Binstead primary will be open from 7.45am tomorrow for Early Birds however parents are advised not to drive to the school due to the condition of roads in the vicinity – children to arrive on foot please. Binstead primary would also like to thank all parents for their help this afternoon to clear the site and enable the school to open.

Brading – Due to open

Brighstone – No breakfast club. Please could pupils who are picked up by ABA call 882187 to check that ABA are able to collect them. The school would also like to thank parents for their help today.

Broadlea – Due to open

Carisbrooke CE – All parents and children to enter via the front entrance, school gates will be closed due to the snow yet to clear
Chale CE – Open between 11am and 2pm

Chale CE – Open between 11am and 2pm

Chillerton & Rookley – Open – Parents/pupils asked to take care on surrounding paths

Cowes – School gates will be closed to vehicles and parents/carers are asked to avoid Edinburgh Close

East Cowes – Due to open from 10am

Godshill – Due to open

Greenmount – Due to open

Gurnard – Parents are advised to park near Portland Hill, Tutton Hill or near the Church and walk down to the school.

Haylands – School gates will be closed and parents are asked to walk to the site. Puddleducks pre-school is also open again parents asked to walk to site.

Nettlestone – Due to open from 11am

Newchurch – Due to open

Newport CE – Please note the school gates will be closed to vehicles and parents are asked to avoid Hazel Close.

Northwood – Parents are advised to park at the Horseshoe pub and walk to the school

Oakfield – Due to open at 11am

Shalfleet – Please note there is no access to the driveway so a drop off system will be operated between 8.30-9.30

St Boniface – Due to open 9.30am

St Helen’s – Due to open at 11am

St Margaret’s – Due to open

St Mary’s Catholic – Due to open at 11am

St Saviour’s Catholic – Please note there will be no minibus service this week. The church car park is open but parents are advised to proceed with caution. Tuesday morning swimming cancelled – All Year 4 pupils to report to school as normal (if open)

St Thomas of Canterbury – Due to open at 11am

St Wilfrid’s Catholic – Due to open

Sandown CE – Due to open at 10am

Shanklin CE – Due to open at 10am

Summerfields – Due to open from 10am

Weston – No breakfast and after school clubs. Also no minibus service this week.

Wroxall – Due to open

Yarmouth CE – Due to open at 11am – Please note the pre-school will remain closed on Monday and Tuesday

Middle Schools
Forelands – Open for staff from 9.30am and pupils by 11.15am

Lake – Due to open at 10am. The school will be open for pupils at 10am. Parents should note that access by vehicles to the site is limited to the school drive only. Staff should report at the normal time – road conditions permitting

Swanmore – The school will open provided there is no significant snowfall overnight. Please note that play areas are not fully cleared and care is needed.

Ventnor – Due to open

West Wight – Due to open. All local roads around the school are in a poor condition please only access if passable and with extreme care

High Schools
Carisbrooke – Due to open for Yrs 10, 11, 12 only and all staff

Cowes – Open for exam candidates only. Open to all students on Tuesday.

Medina – Open for students taking exams only and for staff. Closed for the remainder of students.

Ryde – School will be open on Monday for exams. Pending for other year groups Open for years 12 and 13.

Sandown – School will be open on Monday for exams. Open for year 10, 11, 12 and 13 (not year 9)

Secondary Schools
Christ the King College – The following was sent out to CtK pupils via SMS – “We will be open Mon 11 Jan. Please only access College if you are able to get there safely, wear sensible footwear and only use Reception entrances.” (Thanks Garth)

The school gates are likely to be closed for vehicular access and parents/carers are advised to avoid the school drop off areas accordingly although arrangements for SEN pupils will still be available with prior notice

IW College will be open Monday 11 January, unless there is further snow over night (source: IW College Website).

Priory School – Due to open – Priory School is opening Monday January 11th with the 2 school buses running and the school open from 8.30 but the day formally starting at 9.30am and ending at 3.30pm; with the following overriding proviso that safety is paramount, and those who cannot get in, or for whom it is unadvisable, or who consider it is unsafe, MUST not try. At 9am and again at 9.15 am there will be a “walking bus” from Priory Road/Luccombe Road for any parents who wish to drop off their children at Priory Road. If Priory Road itself still icy, the “walking bus” will start at junction of Priory Road and main Shanklin/Ventnor Road. This walking bus will be repeated from the school down to Priory Road at 3.30pm for children to be picked up at 3.45pm. Luccombe Road has been gritted, but any vehicular or pedestrian access (including the “walking bus” from wherever it starts) is at own risk. If for any reason these times of the “walking bus” are missed, please contact the school and arrangements will be made to escort children up Luccombe Road. As normal a school day as possible will be run, but it will depend on staff being able to come in. The scheduled “1940 War Assembly” for Monday will be held over. If any pupils have siblings whose school is closed, or inaccessible, and parents wish the siblings to come in to Priory School for the day as a practical measure, please bring them in and they will sit in their appropriate classes. There is no charge for this. Please remember to provide an additional packed lunch for any sibling of a current pupil. School uniform is not compulsory; all are advised to wear warm clothing and sturdy boots or shoes. Any personal items of clothing, in particular scarves, gloves, hats or caps, please mark with your child’s name clearly. All other school rules – on make-up, hair, mobile phones etc – still apply. All the above is subject to any variation in the weather; any change to these arrangements will be posted by 7am on the website so please check it in the morning if you are concerned.

Ryde Private – School will be open for all students tomorrow unless there is heavy snow but will definitely be open regardless on Monday for exam candidates.

Special Schools
Clatterford – Open to students from 12.30pm (Parents meeting is cancelled)

Children’s Centres
Sandown CC – Open for staff only
Shanklin CC – Open for staff only
Newport CC – Open for staff only
West Wight CC – Closed (updated 9:45am)
East Cowes CC – Pending
Cowes CC – Open (updated 9:45am)
Ryde CC – Open for staff only – No toddler groups at George St (Ryde) or Ryde High on Monday
Ventnor CC – Due to open (for staff and children)
Sandown Youth Centre – Open tonight from 1830 for Yrs 5, 6, 7 (updated 14:02)