At the end of last month, Southern Water and Delivery Partner executives took it upon themselves to organise a Charity bike ride around the Isle of Wight, covering over 65 kilometres in total.
The bike ride was in aid of Waterside Community Trust and Sail 4 Cancer.
Rain didn’t dampen spirits
The team completed the bike ride, which as they set off from Cowes the heavens opened with torrential rain. However this didn’t dampen their spirits, and later that day the sun did appear on occasion, with all the team completing the bike ride and finishing well a well earned stop at the pub.
£7,500 raised
A total of £7,500 was raised, with the money for Waterside Community Trust going towards the continued delivery of its Sea Safe Programme, which is delivered to local schools in June on Sandown Beach, teaching vital drowning prevention messages and lifesaving skills, as part of the Ryde Beach Lifeguards preventative approach to lifesaving.
The fundraising t-shirts that were worn on the day, were kindly supplied free of charge by Island Embroidery.

Miller: We are often overseen as a Charity
Todd Miller, Manager of Waterside Community Trust, said,
“We are touched that Southern Water and their delivery partners thought of us when undertaking their fundraising bike ride.
“We are often overseen as a Charity, but our local impact is vast and this money will be invested in our continued delivery of our drowning prevention programmes.”
News shared by Todd on behalf of Waterside Trust. Ed