Speed Dating for Time Givers: Volunteering Fayre

If you’re going to be heading over to the Classic car rally on the Quay in Newport in a couple of weeks time, do pop into the Riverside Centre for more information about volunteering. Ed

Beach Clean TomorrowWould you like to help make a difference to your community or the environment?

On Saturday 13th September from 10.30 am till 3.30 pm the Isle of Wight Volunteer Centre is holding a Volunteering Fayre at the Riverside Centre, Newport.

Around 20 local organisations will be there on the day promoting their various activities and ways you can get involved.

No matter what your age, gender, race, disability or experience you have something to offer. You don’t need a lot of free time to really make a difference either.

Whilst some people might give 2 or 3 days a week there are plenty of opportunities that involve giving only a couple of hours now and then or even get involved in a one-off opportunity.

During the afternoon there will be a Speed Dating session giving potential time givers the chance to chat to 10 organisations and hopefully by the end of the afternoon some matches will be made.

Helen Snashall, Volunteer Development Officer for the Volunteer Centre said,

“Volunteering is not just good for the community – it’s good for those who get involved too, offering the chance to learn new skills or use existing ones and meet new friends.”

If you would like to take part in the speed dating please contact Helen on 01983 539377 or e-mail volunteer(at)iwrcc.org.uk.

Image courtesy of David Harrigan at Able Images