Speed Limits By Schools Reduced by Council

Speed Limits By Schools Reduced by CouncilWe read today that the Isle of Wight Council are making moves to reduce the speed limits outside at least 13 schools across the Island.

20 mph restrictions will be introduced outside Binstead Primary, Cowes High, Cowes Primary, West Wight Middle, Summerfields Primary, Newport C of E Primary, Nine Acres Primary, Hunnyhill Primary (also covers road leading to Kitbridge Middle), Northwood Primary, Sandown C of E Primary, Priory, St Catherine’s (Ventnor) and Wroxall Primary.

David Pugh, Leader of the Council said:

“The council is committed to reducing the amount of road accidents across the Island.

“We have already invested heavily in measures such as the installation of speed reactive signs which have had a major effect on reducing the number of speeding motorists.

“The safety of children and parents outside schools is paramount and we are confident these new limits will make a significant contribution to that aim.”

Not everyone will agree with the move, but witnessing the speeds that some people drive at near schools, many believe that this action is not before time.