
Speedway: 2013 races to start earlier

Thanks to Bryn for this latest news from the Wightlink Islanders speedway team. Ed

With the Wightlink Islanders having already announced the signings for 2013 of fans’ favourite Ben Hopwood and teenage sensation Adam Ellis, and with club’s focussing their attention on the league AGMs taking place this coming weekend, there’s no further actual news on the team building front coming out of Smallbrook this week.

Lots of other news
However there’s plenty of other news including that with council approval, matches next year will get underway half an hour earlier than previously, the first race now coming to the tapes at 7pm.

Explaining the change club chairman Brian Ginders said, “We very much hope that it’ll encourage even more people, including families with children of a school age to come along on Tuesday nights to support us as we push for National League success next year given that racing will, as a consequence of the change of start time, finish earlier

“I’d like to thank the council for agreeing to this change which I’m sure will please everyone.”

Time to wind down
As well as being seen as a positive move in trying to encourage more families to attend matches, it’s a move that that will also see the riders able to wind down after a meeting by mingling with fans in the Premier Lounge at the venue rather than having to literally dash straight off to catch the ferry back to the mainland.

Renovations at the club
There’s major renovations being carried out by the club in the weeks ahead to the Premier Lounge itself and various other facilities at the circuit including the changing rooms to build further upon improvements already carried out at the stadium.

So it may well be the ‘close season’ as far as track action is concerned but there’s still a lot happening at the home of the Wightlink Islanders!

Image: Lee Jordan under CC BY 2.0

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