Wightlink Islanders team:

Speedway: D-Day for Wightlink Islanders approaches

This in from Bryn, on behalf of the Wightlink Islanders. Ed

A firm decision regarding whether or not the Wightlink Islanders will come to the starting tapes for the start of the 2014 British Speedway season, and indeed if it will be at all feasible for them to do so, is THE major item the club’s shareholders, i.e., the fans, must discuss and vote upon when they gather together at Smallbrook next Tuesday (December 17) at 7pm.

Yes it’s very much D-Day at Smallbrook on Tuesday evening as far as the very future of the Wightlink Islanders is concerned and there’s the distinct possibility that we could have already witnessed the very last speedway action ever staged on the Isle of Wight, that was first staged 17 years ago in 1996 for that is the likelihood if the club cannot find ways of stemming budget deficits by raising funds almost immediately.

Shareholders urged to attend meeting
That is why every single one of the club’s shareholders are being urged to attend next Tuesday’s meeting that most would describe as the most important shareholders’ meeting in the club’s history.

Despite much discussion on the night, no decisions were reached at the first staging of the club’s AGM on 12 November, it being agreed to defer those until next week, and since then much discussion has taken place plus club Chairman Brian Ginders represented the Wightlink Islanders at Tuesday’s league AGM at the British Speedway Promoters Association HQ in Rugby, Warks.

Decision must be made
Wightlink Islander have been given until January 31 next to join the league, but realistically a decision on the matter MUST be taken this coming Tuesday to enable the club’s promoter / team manager Kevin Shepherd to start approaching riders to be part of the team if the shareholders DO take the decision to operate in 2014.

As well as Kevin having to do just that, there will be many other obstacles to overcome, the main couple being the purchase and fitting of an air-fence to enhance safety standards that has been made compulsory at all tracks wanting to stage league meetings in the UK in 2014, and ways to be bring extra money into the club and quickly.

Non-shareholders welcome to attend
Whether or not collectively those many obstacles will be too big to overcome will be very much open to debate at Tuesday’s vital shareholders meeting to which any non-shareholders are welcome to attend but will not be entitled to vote on any matter.

So the message is loud and clear and that is next Tuesday IS very much D-DAY as far as the staging of the sport of speedway on our island is concerned!

Image: © Ian Groves

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