Islander, Stuart Ward, joins the Wave 105 Cycle to Madagascar challenge. Ed
For those of you that don’t know me, I have recently decided to join Wave 105 on their charity cycle to Madagascar. This cycle will be 450km over six days.
I have chose this charity to support as I have a son who is almost three and we are very lucky and blessed how healthy he is.
I am funding my challenge myself, so any money raised will be going directly to the children and of course the familie that need the extra support.
My son has taken his part as my trainer. He loves going on the back on my bike and telling me to go faster and even pats my back sometimes, saying “come on Daddy you can do it think of the poorly children”.
He is also very proud that when ever he goes on the back of my bike he will also be helping the children and families. I hope I can do him as proud with the challenge.
So no matter how much you can afford to give to these children and families, I would like to thank you on their behalf to making such a difference to there lives.
You can show your support for Stuart by heading over to his sponsorship page.