The Crime Wave Hits Isle of Wight

Don’t worry this is not a report about the latest crime figures from the Hampshire Constabulary, but in fact the name of a new film by Southampton based production company, Archive TV.

The Crime Wave Hits Isle of WightThe film includes the story of murdered Newport chimney sweep Valentine Gray and is due to shown at the Isle of Wight Short Film Festival next week at Quay Arts.

The film is the first production from Isle of Wight born filmmaker Sharon Holloway and features the stories of four real nineteenth century crimes including that of Valentine Gray.

Archive TV have taken the approach of presenting the stories as fast paced micro-dramas and have received some great reviews so far.

We understand that pupils from Barton Primary School have been championing the film and even had an opportunity to meet with the actor James Wilson who plays Valentine in the film.

The Crime Wave has recently had its world premiere at the prestigious Swansea Bay Film Festival and has been shown at Heart of England International Film Festival with screenings at the International Film Festival Thailand (July) and International Film Festival Ireland (September).

Find out more by visiting the Archive TV Website

Best of luck to Sharon and her team for what looks like a great piece of work.