The Filibuster

With the cast of Kevin Mitchell, Helen Reading and Rebecca Brough and directed by John English and Steve Reading, RedTIE Theatre presents the story of the struggle between dependence and independence, a play about real people.

The FilibusterBut can John and Sybil delay facing the reality of their marriage”¦and of their daughter who unites and separates them?

John and Sibyl’s daughter has Down’s Syndrome and a congenital brain disorder. Now she is 30, they must come to a decision about her future. The play reveals the twists and turns of their relationship as they come to terms with the “crossroads” in their lives.

From Helen Reading:

‘When Hazel sent me her play I didn’t really know what to expect. I knew it had won the Writer’s Guild Award 10 years ago and that Anita Dobson had played the leading role in London at the Tristan Bates theatre, but other than that – nothing.

I read it and thought what a fantastic script, moving and gripping, but, at the same time, witty and energetic. It made me laugh out loud as well as cry at times. I knew I wanted RedTIE theatre to perform it for several reasons. My brother, Darren, has Down’s Syndrome and my family have had to deal with some of the issues raised in Filibuster. I can remember my Mother voicing the same worries and anguish that Sybil feels in the play.

It is also brilliantly written. For the relatively new RedTIE theatre company, I wanted the first adult production to be of a high standard but not too conventional. A small cast means it is easier to find time and space to rehearse, and I knew who I wanted to play the roles almost immediately. The role of Sybil was not one I was going to pass on! It is both challenging and fun – giving me the opportunity to develop my skills and broaden my experience as an actor.

I am delighted Kevin Mitchell agreed to play John – he is so right for the role and also that Rebecca Brough agreed straight away to play the beautiful, “other woman” – Belinda.

We are being directed by Steve Reading and John English who happen to be the partners of Kevin and I! However, in spite of – or maybe because of – the close relationships between us, we have managed to work together perfectly!’

All RedTIEtheatre profits from this production will be donated to Haylands Farm.

Bits and Bobs:
Performance Dates/Times: Wed 17 Sep – Thu 18 Sep 8pm Doors 7pm
Location: Anthony Minghella Theatre, Quay Arts
Ticket Price: £7 / £6 Box Office 01983 822490