The Isle of Wight Storytelling Festival 2008: Monday

Island StorytellersThe Isle of Wight Storytelling Festival come to an end on Monday with three sessions at the Riverside Cente in Newport.

‘THE TOOLS OF THE STORYTELLER’ – Voice, Body and Object
A family storytelling workshop at the Riverside Centre 10-11 am
In this very participatory and hands on workshop Sam Canarrozzi will explore different ways and techniques of getting the story across – the voice, of course, but used creatively; body, gesture and sign language; paper folding etc.

Storytelling competition at the Riverside Centre 11.30-1pm
This event is open to anyone. Create a story inspired by Lis Toft’s pot and tablets and tell your tale in less than 10 minutes. Contact the Island Storytellers on 01983 241095 for an entry form.

‘Journeys’ a storytelling performance in the Riverside Centre 2.30pm
Cassandra Wye will be rounding off our storytelling festival with a performance of stories connected to journeys.

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