The u3a stall at Wolverton Fair

The Isle of Wight u3a has a lot to offer Islanders living in their ‘third age’

Once again the Isle of Wight branch of the u3a made a splash with their bright yellow gazebo but this time at the recent Wolverton Garden Fair.

On a beautiful hot and sunny weekend, a team of Isle of Wight u3a members erected their yellow gazebo and talked to the public about who and what the u3a is, and specifically about what it does on the Isle of Wight.

We talked to so many lovely people some of whom had heard of us and were keen to know more, and others who had never heard of us and were amazed to hear about what we do.

What is the u3a?
The u3a is an international, non-religious, and non-political movement open to every person in their ‘third age’ (3a); everyone, in other words, no longer working fulltime with the time and interest to promote and engage in life-long learning within a sociable framework.

The u3a is simply about people with similar interests getting together to Learn, Laugh, Live – the u3a motto.

Part of an umbrella organisation
Across the UK there are more than 1,000 u3as, all based on the same principles.

Being part of an umbrella organisation provides opportunity and support in the way of a legal framework, grants, subject advisors, research coordinators, summer schools, and extensive online resources – including videos on how to use the technology hastily developed during lockdown so that we could all keep connected.

Here on the Island, within the national framework, we embrace all that our beautiful Island has to offer in terms of fresh air and beaches, historic monuments and archives, culture and festivals, food and drink and so much more.

What is happening in the Isle of Wight u3a?
We started in October 2019 and, in spite of the lockdown, the number of members has grown weekly as has the number of groups.

There are now active groups, in Beginners Spanish, Creative Writing, Reading, Theatre, Discovery Days, History, Walking, Lunching, visiting Beaches, to name but a few. A new group in Mah-Jong is starting with a beginner’s workshop in November.

For more information about what we do and how to join us can be found on our website or, alternatively, email: [email protected] or call 01983 740511. We are also on Facebook and Twitter @u3aWight

News shared by Carol on behalf of Ilse of Wight u3a. Ed