The Sweet Taste Of Community Spirit

SUGAR is the name of new project aimed at lending a helping hand to those in need. It stands for Some Useless Goods Are Re-useable.

Mug collectionVB reader Laura Chappell has set up the project to see if it is feasible to set a up a community area (physical rather than online) where people can swap or just donate goods that they no longer require for new things they do need.

Give to those in need what you don’t need
Many people move into a new home with nothing and have no money to get the basics they need such as cups, plates, bedding etc., whilst others have have many things that they just throw away as they don’t know where to take them to be re-used.

Laura is hoping that VB readers will be able to spare a minute or two to complete an online survey.

The results of the survey will be able to help determine whether there is demand for the service and whether it would be sustainable.

The survey takes less than two minutes to complete which just a few clicks.

Take the survey

Image: Ewen and Donabel under CC BY 2.0