Think Positively For The Cosmic Trigger

If you ever needed a reason to think positively, here’s a great one for you …. every thought, feeling and emotion you experience today could be amplified a million fold. Because today, there is a cosmic trigger event occurring. Cosmic what? I hear you say.

cosmic triggerApparently … an ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in universe-2 will cross paths with our dear planet between 10.17am today until 1.17am tomorrow.

The effect of the beam will amplify every thought and emotion intensely, up to one million-fold. Yes, all thoughts and emotions will be amplified one million times and more. Every thought, every emotion, every intent, every will, no matter if it is good, bad, ill, positive, negative, will be amplified one million times in strength.

So set your alarms and make sure you’re thinking of world peace at ten past five tonight (well, maybe peace in Ventnor to get started).

There are a number of videos on YouTube where you can learn more about the Arcturian Alingment

Thank you to Muktimax for enlightening us with this wonderful news.