This is England: Ventnor Film Society

Sean, a put-upon 12-year old, finds unexpected friendship with a group of local skinheads led by the sweet natured Woody.

This is England: Ventnor Film SocietyThese skins are a far cry from the image of racist thuggery that the movement became known for in the 80s. It’s all about the music, and of course the clothes, and although Sean is too small for Doc Marten boots, he still gets the haircut, the plaid shirt and the braces.

For a while, everything is sweet in Sean’s world. But soon, conflict arrives in the form of Combo, an old mate of the gang, whose time in prison has left him with a strong sympathy for the National Front.

Sean’s loss of innocence is at the heart of Shane Meadows’ most autobiographical work to date, along with ever-relevant subjects like absent and surrogate fathers and white working-class marginalisation, particularly in the post-industrial suburbs.

Dir: Shane Meadows UK 2006 101mins Cert 18
Cast: Thomas Turgoose, Stephan Graham, Jo Hartley, Joseph Gilgun

Venue: Ventnor Winter Gardens
Curtains up: at 7.30pm
Tickets: £4.50 (£3.50 conc) or buy a season pass for all seven films for £30 (£20)

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