Totland residents organise beach clean

Thanks to Claire Collins for sharing this news of a planned community effort taking place this weekend. Ed

I’ve heard that business owners on Totland beach are organising a clean up after the recent storm damage.

rapanui-beach-clean-able-imagesThere is much debris to clear, and the idea is that a community effort would help tidy up the beach and restore some civic pride. This sounds like a great community project to spruce up Totland Beach.

They are asking for volunteers on Saturday 22nd February between 10am – 3pm.

Rubbish bags will be provided, all you need to do is go along for whatever time you can spare between 10 – 3.

They suggest volunteers:

  • Please wear wellies or waterproof, sturdy shoes.
  • Please wear thick gloves.
  • Any clearing work undertaken is at your own risk.
  • They ask that you bring shovels and wheelbarrows, if you have any.

Image courtesy of David Harrigan at Able Images