Grassroots pushing for ferry service regulation marks Wightlink User Group's progress and invites others to join them for final demonstration of the year
A commercial customer who usually takes the Yarmouth route, tells OnTheWight the temporary 'no lorry rule' in Yarmouth + road works in Fishbourne + St Clare being out of service = unhappiness for them. Wightlink disagree.
Wightlink comes under scrutiny as £77m profits since 2017 revealed and £8m paid in dividends in 2022, despite public subsidy; an investigation by the Department for Transport is urged
Wight Noize competition winners, Naked Fridays, will be performing on Wightlink ferries tomorrow (Thursday) to help Isle of Wight Festival-goers get in the festival mood.
Isle of Wight residents face gross inequality due to discriminatory ferry pricing, favouring large businesses and wealthy individuals, says this reader