Liz Santer (costume) Anne Walpole (maid)Carolyn Ferguson (nanny/Assistant Director) Kevin Wilson (Torvald) Ness Law (Kristine)Sylvia Whalley (props/set Christine Blow ( (NODA) Amanda Robertson Director

Trinity Theatre’s ‘A Doll’s House’ wins prestigious NODA accolade

Trinity Theatre in Cowes is pleased to announce that their recent play, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, has received an Accolade of Dramatic Excellence from National Operatic and Dramatic Association [NODA].

This prestigious award was presented on stage to Director, Amanda Robertson, by Christine Blow the Island’s NODA Representative.

Amanda said,

“I am delighted to receive this award and I would like to pay tribute to all involved who worked so hard to bring this challenging but still deeply relevant play to life.

“Particular thanks go to the cast who brought my ideas to life.

“A huge thank you too goes to The Trinity Crew for preparing the set and creating an immersive experience.

“I know it was hard work, but it was worth the effort! Thank you all”.

Bowman: Award shows just how vibrant, powerful, and relevant amateur theatre is at Trinity
Dinah Bowman, President of CAODS said,

“Henrik Ibsen, A Doll’s House (1897) is a powerful and thought provoking play which is still relevant today as it focuses on pressures on women in a misogynistic society and the need for women to break free.

“NODA, the charity for amateur theatres, has a membership of 2,500 groups throughout the UK.

“Few productions are awarded their Accolade of Excellence and I think this shows just how vibrant, powerful, and relevant amateur theatre is at Trinity.

“I’m proud of Amanda and all who helped her win this award!”

Image: Liz Santer (costume), Anne Walpole (maid), Carolyn Ferguson (nanny/Assistant Director), Kevin Wilson (Torvald), Ness Law (Kristine), Sylvia Whalley (props/set), Christine Blow ( NODA), Amanda Robertson Director

News shared by Paul on behalf of Trinity Theatre. Ed