Undercliffe Plight Hits The Nationals

Undercliffe Plight Hits The NationalsInteresting to read in The Times Online today that the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust’s request to have the consultation period for a Compulsary Purchase Order on their land rejected.

The wildlife trust asked for a two-week extension; guess what the council said? I think its reply could be paraphrased as: “Sod democracy, we’re in charge.�

There are many arguments for and against the scheme to rebuild the A3055, but to stoop to the low tactics of the “holiday hijack” on such a contentious issue is very disappointing.

The wood is home to a population of red squirrels, an Isle of Wight speciality, safe from grey squirrels because of their inability to swim the Solent. It also holds populations of dormice, and Bechstein’s and barbastelle bats, making it a place of national importance for wildlife. There are also some extraordinary bryophytes, strange mossy plants that love damp woodland and hang off branches like shaggy beards.