Has Island Roads really reopened Undercliff Drive? Confusion over suggested diversion route (updated)
14, August 2008·1 min readMaking Waves TonightDon’t forget that there is a show and a half planned for tonight at Ryde Theatre. Winners of the Bestival...
14, August 2008·1 min readiCandi Back in NewportThe Icandi crew are back in town and hoping to bring another successful night to Newport at the end of...
11, August 2008·1 min readVentnor Carnival: Barn Dance & Disco A SuccessSunday night (10th) saw the first of the social events for this year’s Ventnor Carnival week. This new event in...
8, August 2008·1 min readDavid Pugh Is NOT, Repeat, NOT A Child Sex OffenderEither someone at the County Press is being mischievous or page four of this week’s CP is a genuine mistake....
7, August 2008·1 min readJohn Cattle Being Interviewed on Express fm Tonight Next ThursdayTune into Express fm tonight next Thursday* (14th) from 10pm to listen to Wight Trash Film Maker, John Cattle being...
6, August 2008·1 min readVentnor Cricket Club Results and FixturesFRIEND AND WHYTE STAR AS VENTNOR MAINTAIN TITLE CHALLENGE Ventnor are still in the hunt for a fifth successive Southern...
28, July 2008·1 min readIsle of Wight Jigsaw Puzzle FestivalIf you're a fan of jigsaws, then make a note in your diary for this forthcoming event.
8, July 2008·1 min readCamp Bestival: VentnorBlog Ticket Competition Winner (video)The time has come to announce the lucky winner of a family ticket for Camp Bestival which takes place in...
4, July 2008·1 min readUFOs At IW Festival?We received an email earlier in the week from a guy called Ryan who wanted to share this unusual story...
2, July 2008·1 min readVentnor Permaculture Group: Vegetables to Sow in JulyAngie’s excellent permaculture blog is always worth checking out on a regular basis. Yesterday she posted an article reminding us...
17, June 2008·1 min readVentnor Library Family Treasure HuntMany thanks to all the families who completed the Ventnor Family Treasure Hunt and particularly to BETHANY BULPITT who one...
4, June 2008·1 min readSkandia Cowes WeekIt's all starting up again, with around an extra 100,000 visitors expected.