Upcoming Features: Ventnorian & WhiteAir

Just thought I’d let you know about a couple of things I’ve got lined up for next week.

Lesley from The VentnorianThe excellent Ventnorian in Spring Hill is a shop you must visit – it’s bursting with fantastic and wonderful things, from ethically produced children’s wooden toys to Ecover washing liquid refills. It’s well worth a mooch around, there’s never any pressure to buy anything, but I’m sure you’ll want to when you see what’s on offer. Lesley has done a great job in establishing her shop and contributing to why I think Ventnor is so great.

More next week, but in the meantime, how about this for a testimonial?

I was very pleased to discover this little gem of a shop. It is run by a lady with a very strong environmental and ethical approach, and a quirky sense of what is appeals to the concerned shopper. Try this shop for the most original of gifts, foods and household articles, many of which help both the planet and you stay healthy. It’s like a Green Tardis, with much more inside than you think. Think globally – act locally.

Brian Lucas, Town Mayor & Green Party member

Also coming up will be more lots of info about next weeks White Air Extreme Sports Festival. I can’t find any info about the Chicane Blast happening, but hope to hear back from the press office soon about that.

Finally, with the events diary still down (haven’t had time to sort it out yet), I’ll highlight events a day or two before they happen as reminders.