Place Road

Upcoming road closures in Cowes and Ryde for essential maintenance

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Work to improve two busy sections of road in Cowes and Ryde will begin later this month.

The work at Place Road in Cowes and Appley Road in Ryde will involve deep excavations that will address issues that have cause the surface to deteriorate.

This means that in both cases, the roads will be closed as through routes for the duration of work.

Where and when
Place Road work is scheduled to begin on 14th October and last up to 14 working days. At Appley Road the work is currently scheduled to begin on 21st October and last ten days.

Local diversions will be signed during the works and information boards reminding road users of the closure will be put out at each location in advance of work starting.

The projects are in addition to the ongoing resurfacing programme at sites across the Island.

IR: We don’t want to impact upon the tourism trade
An Island Roads spokesperson said,

“We appreciate that this is a busy time with lots of improvement work being undertaken across the Island.

“This is largely down to the fact that we endeavour to keep the network clear during the high summer season because we don’t want to impact upon the tourism trade.

“However that does mean we have to make the most of the period between the end of the main summer season and the onset of winter when we can expect the worst of the weather which causes delays to work.

“While the work will improve the quality of some very busy roads, we do accept that there will be some inconvenience to road users and we would like to thank them in advance for their understanding.”

For further information, please contact [email protected] or visit the website.

News shared by Gavin behalf of Island Roads. Ed