V-Bay Festival: Pirates Galore

The V-Bay Festival this coming weekend will transform the town in more ways than one.

V-Bay Festival: Pirates GaloreThe entire weekend will see a pirate theme run through it and everyone is encouraged to dress up and join in!

Neil Gibbs from The Spyglass Inn has kindly donated use of his Carnival pirate ship which will be “moored” opposite the Met Bar on the Esplanade.

This will be a base for all sorts of goings on.

The Wight Pirates enactment crew (pictured) are coming along and will be marauding about the town and doing some scurrilous stuff on the beach.

Should be great fun.

Pirate Window Spot
The ever popular Window Spot competition returns, this time with a pirate theme.

Spot the pieces of eight hidden in the 50 businesses marked with a pirate sticker.

The winner will be the child with the most correct answers wins a Treasure Chest of bounty!

Entry forms from Bizzy Lizzy’s and Bon Bons in Pier Street.

To start Friday and continue through half term holidays.

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