Vanzatti and Alex Mountford Acheive Live Wired Success (updated)

Congratulations to grunge four-piece Vanzatti and who joined Alex Mountford in making it through the first heat of the Live Wired music competition.

The battle took place on Saturday night at the Wight Rock Bar n Ryde.

Also taking part in the battle were Cellar Ghost who came in at third place. The ultimate winner of the competition will play the main stage at IW Festival next year.

Revenge of the Lawn had mad it through to the final four for the first heat, but had to pull out as their drummer, Dread was playing in Scrooge The Musical in Freshwater on the same night.

The CP have videos of both acts performing on Saturday night, as well as Cellar Ghost who took third place.

Check out other tracks from
Vanzatti and Alex Mountford the bands by visiting their MySpace pages.

The next heat takes place April 2010.

Image: Vanzatti by Roger Regular

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