VB Helps Reunite Former Sandown Grammar School Pupils

VB once again helps reunite those who lost contact many years ago. Bruce Denness tells us more. Ed

Sandown Grammar School Reunion Thanks To VBIn late August, VentnorBlog passed me an email it had received from a chap called Barry Kitson. We’d shared a desk in the same form at, what was then, Sandown Grammar School (SGS) in the 1950s.

Although we hadn’t met for more than 52 years, Barry had tracked me down via letters I had sent to the Daily Telegraph and then by ‘googling’ my name and ‘Whitwell’, which had brought him to VentnorBlog.

What a sleuth!

By chance, he and his wife Sybil, who now live in Berkshire, had been planning a short break on the Island the following week, so we arranged to meet.

Get together
Although there was little time to arrange anything, we met with John Matthews and Rita “Min” Edgecombe (nee Jones), who were also in the same form at school, over a lunchtime pint and we are now happily filling in the missing years.

The “Year of ’54″ at SGS has had several reunions over recent years and we had managed to track down most of our compatriots already but Barry had hitherto proved elusive so “Many thanks” VentnorBlog.