Ventnor Carnival 1938 On British Pathe

Whilst we’re on the subject of carnivals, thanks to VB reader Karen Stritton for sharing this video of the Ventnor Carnival from many years back.

The footage from British Pathe shows the parade through town in 1938.

As is still the tradition, some great work has gone into the floats. For example, there are so many flowers on the Butterfly Fantasy float (more to come on butterflies later) that you can only just about make out that it’s also carrying children.

A bumpy ride for the horse-drawn floats
Some of the floats are being pulled by horses, providing quite a bumpy ride for those on the back.

Others taking part may have a smoother ride, but the gymnasts on the float about half way the footage are certainly having their physical strength tested by having to stay in awkward positions.

The voice-over says at the end that, “it confirms everything I’ve ever heard about Ventnor and its beauty.”


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