New road closure at leeson road - Adrian Wheeler
© Adrian Wheeler

Ventnor residents call for better balance between drilling operations and local impact

David Groocock from the Keep Ventnor Moving group shares this latest news in relation to the ongoing impact of the Bonchurch Landslide. Ed

Keep Ventnor Moving (KVM) welcomes the news that the Leeson Road closure is likely to have a shorter timescale than initially proposed. However, several key issues remain.

Following several meetings with IW Council and Island Roads, we were disappointed to learn that, despite attempts to convince them otherwise, Leeson Road will be fully closed for the boreholes to be drilled. (Not partially closed, as now.) IW Council’s reasons for this include considerations of health and safety of workers at the site and the travelling public, timescale and cost.

Deeper boreholes
However, we are pleased that IW Council and Island Roads have agreed to increase the depth of boreholes to 130m, to gain important information about the geology of the site and land adjacent to the landslip.

This change in depth was requested by a group of three independent geologists with local resident groups in support, and KVM.

Emergency vehicle response time?
On a practical point, the decision to fully close Leeson Road raises serious concerns about response times for emergency services, which could be delayed by 15-20 minutes, potentially risking lives.

We await a response on this problem from IW Council, with specific proposals for community protection.

No alternative drilling sites explored
At the latest meeting on 4th September, widespread dissatisfaction was expressed that no alternative drilling sites were explored to avoid the closure of Leeson Road. Ventnor businesses, already facing an economic downturn, now fear closure or relocation.

Impacting businesses and residents
Ed Blake, a prominent local councillor said businesses in Ventnor and Shanklin face ruin after eight months of reduced revenue. Residents, especially the elderly and school children, will also be impacted as once again they will be isolated and disrupted because of the diversion of the Route 3 Bus.

Improve the balance
While we appreciate the shortened closure, KVM urges all parties to optimise the current drilling plan as the works progress, to improve the balance between health and safety issues and the needs of local businesses and residents.